Frequently Asked Questions - Creators

For FAQs please click on support or visit our YouTube channel by clicking here.

Who is smash for?

SMASH is for any producer or content creator putting together a creative project. We’re focussing on new creators who are just starting out, as well as those who are under-represented in the media/creative industries. Everybody is welcome!

I'm just starting out - how is SMASH useful to me?

Getting any creative project off the ground is incredibly hard, and it’s especially difficult if you don’t have the right experience, background or network. That is something that we are committed to changing, by providing powerful, easy-to-use tools that will help to level the playing field.

  • The Pitch Builder will help you to put together powerful industry-standard pitch documents.
    Our unique partnership with Getty Images allows you to use professional non-watermarked images to create beautiful, compelling moodboards.

  • The Pitch Protector will store and track your project securely and protect your IP.

  • Sales Estimates will allow you to get a professional feature film sales forecasts easily and inexpensively.
    ... and we’re just getting started!

Crucially, SMASH will help to connect you and/or your project with commissioners and other decision makers. We are onboarding the world’s top commissioners and they are looking for exciting, new diverse content. Over the next few months we’ll be launching powerful features to create a unique content and talent marketplace.

I'm an experienced producer - can I still use SMASH?

Hell yes! SMASH's unique Pitch Protector gives your project next-level protection and our partnership with Getty Images is a godsend for any moodboard. And any mature project needs professional sales estimates to get it over the line.

I'm a TV producer - can I still use SMASH?

At the moment SMASH is not optimised for episodic content, but we will be adding specific features for TV productions soon. If you are interested in this feature, or have any thoughts/ideas about it, please contact us at

how much does it cost?


SMASH is free for creators to use for any unfunded project. You can create as many projects as you like, and use the Pitch Builder, Pitch Protector and Getty Images partnership without limit.

There are fees for projects that are funded through the platform

  • If your project receives development or production funding through the SMASH platform, 5% of that funding is payable to SMASH. Please see our Terms of Service for details.

  • If your project is greenlit (i.e. goes into commercial production), fees are liable to Getty Images as per the conditions of the Easy Access Programme. Please refer to the documentation you received from Getty Images if you signed up for this programme.

    And there are fees for advanced features:

  • the Sales Estimator costs £750 + VAT for each feature film sales forecast created by our experienced sales agents.

Who's behind SMASH?


SMASH is founded by Fiona Gillies, Christine Hartland and Mahesh Ramachandra. Fiona and Christine are film producers who have experienced all the challenges that content creators face when trying to bring their projects to market. Teaming up with digital product expert Mahesh, the trio created the SMASH platform to make the creative production process more efficient and democratic.

SMASH is funded by Innovate UK and angel investors, and incubated by Activate UK. SMASH was selected and showcased at the Berlin Film Festival, and was a finalist in the Investing Women AccelerateHER Disruptive Tech Category 2020.

How safe are my ideas on SMASH?


Anything that you create on SMASH is yours, with no claim on your intellectual property by SMASH or our partners. Unless you explicitly share your project, it is not possible for other creators or commissioners to have any visibility of your project. SMASH itself is only able to see metadata (e.g. creation date, genre, descriptive metatags/hashtags etc) about your project. As with any digital service, you’ll need to take responsibility for the security of your account and access device.

I know SMASH is brand new, but what's next?


Besides ongoing enhancements to the Pitch Builder, Pitch Protector, Sales Estimator and Getty Images partnership, we’ll soon be launching the Talent Discoverer which will connect creators with the world’s leading commissioners, financiers and other decision makers. If you have ideas for improvements or suggestions about what you’d like to see on SMASH, please contact us at Thanks for joining us on this journey!